


1. Aim:Clarity of subject matter and concept through continual development of ideas.
2. Organization and Development:Effective use of the formal constraints and strengths of the medium/media employed with meaningful variation and complexity.
3. Method:Clear and coherent aesthetic approach (method) to working with chosen materials, with effective integration of form and content conceptually.
4. Communication:The concept conveyed with an effective sense of audience appropriate to the concept; student exhibits the development of the ability to talk about their artwork.
5. Technique:Effective use of artistic techniques in the service of the concept.


In Class: Skills, Project & Participation•••20%••• Skills: The first few sessions will see students learning the various processes of printing – from tools through to output. Skills are gained through exercises I will supply.
Project work: This class is self-directed, project-based learning; students are expected to develop an understanding of and alacrity with specific printmaking techniques and the materials of printmaking. Students are expected to come to class ready to print.
Critique & Participation: Engaging in Critique is centrally important in this class, much as it is in Seminar. The ability to talk about yours or someone else’s artwork cogently and confidently is an important feature of this class and your development as an artist. Active participation in class discussions (for readings) and student presentations will continue to improve your ability to perform in this course, and is expected of all students.
Homework (Sketchbook, Preparation & Reading)•••20%••• Homework is given weekly, aimed at using elements from class that week, and/or in combination with prior weeks, as appropriate. Homework will include reading, writing, and drawing, but may extend to directions to visit certain exhibitions (museums, galleries), or historical locations that pertain to the class.
Sketchbook use should be continual, at least once a day, above and beyond any homework. The sketchbook will be reviewed weekly. You will use the Sketchbook to draw and collect items of interest to you that contribute to your work. Preparation/Sketchbook work is not to be done in class. Sketchbooks are submitted for grading at the end of the semester.
Project Presentations & Critique•••20%••• The syllabus is designed with a project-based structure. This aims to offer students ‘soft deadlines’ that will help them feel more prepared for the end-of-semester presentation.
For each of these students will present their ongoing (in-process) work to their peers. This time should be used to note the progress made, ideas that emerge and reach out to peers for help resolving conceptual and/or practical issues.
Final Project presentation & critique•••40%••• Students will be given a document that will fully explain the expectations for the final presentation. This document will be distributed with plenty of time before the final, and we will read and discuss it during class time. The processes of gaining printing skills, absorbing the creative and content-based ideas in the readings, and participating in presentations (critique) will enable all students to perform well in the final critique.